Duff Dogs Play Centre Terms Of Use and Terms and Conditions.

By purchasing a 45 minute session or accompanying a paying customer at Duff Dogs play centre, you are automatically agreeing to our terms of use and terms and conditions stated below. Please be aware that Duff Dogs are in no way liable for any injury, accidents, loss or damage too dogs, children, adults or property inside or outside the duff dogs play centre unit. 

duff dogs play centre Terms of use and terms and conditions 


1. At Duff Dogs we strive to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for your pups, participation in our activities and use of our facilities are at your own risk. Duff Dogs Play Centre, its owners, employees, and affiliates are not liable for any accidents, injuries, or damages that may occur to you, your pets, your children, or your personal belongings during your visit.

By purchasing your booking or accompanying a customer at duff dogs play centre, you accept these terms and conditions and release Duff Dogs Play Centre from any and all liability related to incidents that may arise while using our services or facilities. 


2. Duff dogs play centre are a private doggy soft play, your session is private to only you and your dogs. No members of staff will accompany you before, during or after your session. You will be given clear instructions of how to enter the soft play, and how to close. You understand that you are on your own and access to the play centre is your responsibility. Staff are only a call away on 07979967715 or 07919403914. Or alternatively you can call into "Barks and Bubbles dog grooming salon" if you need any help.  


3. Outside of the property is monitored with CCTV, in-side is also monitored by CCTV, we only use this as security and will in no way invade your privacy or use the footage by any means other than security means. 


4. The only dogs that can enter the play centre, are the ones you pay for. Your 45 minute session allows 2 dogs to enter the play centre. Any additional dogs are £5 each. We recommend max 10 small dogs or four xtra large dogs. This is a guide only, it is completely up to you how many dogs you book in. However, Duff Dogs are not responsible for any injury's, loss or damage that occurs to any dogs, children or adults in the play centre. Entering additional dogs that you have not paid for is considered theft of services. 


5. Duff Dogs play centre is for DOGS ONLY, this play area is NOT designed for children and adults. We recommend children do not use the facilities. However, It is entirely your responsibility if your children use the facilities. But understand that Duff Dogs play centre hold no liability and/or are not liable for any injury, accidents or damages that may occur to yourself or your children.


6. Hot drinks, cold drinks, snacks, and duff dogs products are available for purchase in the duff dogs play centre. We ask that you respect the products and only touch if you are purchasing. Bank details will be available for purchase, and please note this is monitored by CCTV and any theft or stolen items will be reported to the police and you will be banned from using duff dogs play centre in the future.  Please do not allow children to use the hot drinks machine, as they can be scolded by the hot water. 


6. If your dog is prone to marking we kindly ask that you bring their own re-useable nappies as this is better for our environment. However, when booking if you need a disposable nappy you can buy one for £1.00. Just let us know if you need one once you receive your booking confirmation. We ask that if you know your dog does this to please use a nappy and respect the equipment, the last thing we want is for duff dogs to smell and effect anyone's use. 


7. If your dog does have an accident, we kindly ask that you clean up after them using the equipment provided, it is located in the box with the label "Cleaning products". Instructions are provided. Please dispose of poop in the toilet, or a doggy bag and put into the bin by the sink. Any dirty cleaning products used must be placed into the bin. 


8. We kindly ask that shoes to be taken off if using the equipment, and ask for you to wear socks. 


9. When accessing the unit please read the instructions clearly and when locking up please put the fob into the lock box and ensure it is closed properly. 


10. Your dogs are your responsibility, if any fights occur and your dog is injured in the play centre this is your responsibility and you are liable for this. 


11. Safety measures have been put in place to ensure that your dogs are safe and secure, we recommend leaving the front white door locked at all times when using the facilities. And ensure your dog is leaded up when the door is open. This is your responsibility and if any dogs get lost or escape the premises duff dogs are not held liable. 


12. If yourself or your children have any accidents please note their is a first aid box located in the draws next to the table, please use as needed. 


13. Safety checks are carried out daily, if anything doesn't meet your standards please do not hesitate to mention. 


14. Cleaning of the facilities and toilets are checked and cleaned multiple times a day, if anything is not up to your standards please do not hesitate to inform us. 


15. This is a small family run business, we ask that you respect us and our families that we are providing for, and clean up any mess and leave the place as you found it. We encourage any feedback and would love to hear if you have any suggestions on how to improve our facilities.


16. We kindly ask that you do not park Infront of duff dogs play centre as this can effect our neighbours, please park in-front or at the side of barks and bubbles. Or use the car park up the ramp. Thank you. 


17. We also ask that when entering the facilities, if you have walked your dog in wet weather and they have mud on their feet, please use a towel or wipes to clean their feet before they use the facilities.


18. Please leave and arrive at your allocated time, as the next session will be arriving, please do not give the fob to anyone arriving as they will have their own code and this is communicated through our technology as each person arrives and leaves. And this can deter any theft of services.  

19. All dogs must be full vaccinated, flead and wormed. This is your responsibility to ensure your dog is protected.

20. Duff Dogs is cleaned through-out the day, however we do ask that once your session is finished you please leave it how you found it and how you would expect it to be left for you. We ask that you respect us and our business and equipment.